Hello!, I'm Avik, a Developer based in India

I love building tools that are user-friendly, efficient, and innovative.

I am former child, frontend developer at Auctopus Technologies and Dank. I am a self taught frontend, backend and a App(currently learning) Developer.

Through these experiences, I had the opportunity to work with both small and large, specialized and cross-functional teams across different time zones and developed a working style that leans towards flexibility, clarity and collaboration

I am currently looking for a new role as a Developer. Hire me?

I can help you out with:

  • React.js Development
  • Next.js Development
  • Node.js Development
  • SwiftUI Development
  • and more...
🔭 See My Resume

Check out my projects

My Projects

Here are some of my recent projects. I'm always working on something new, so check back often!

SocialSphere A SocialMedia Platform. Avik'sBlog A Blogging webApp for my Personal Blogs. CoinMate Helps in Tracking Cypto Prices
View All My Projects

Some of my writing

My Writings

Along with coding I also like to write about life and technology. Here are some of my recent posts.


© 2024 Avik

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